© 2025 Teak Tuning Pro Fingerboards
Great looking trucks. They seem real solid and quality is really nice
I own some awesome fingerboard wheels from rare reds cabs to lakers joys mayples and piro.some of my favs are teaks.the globes fit my lean city anderson to the green 61s that are just amazing and my metal hubed teaks.they are a fingerboard company that is affordable by all and dependable and truly skate able. Im a 80s guy we had all kinds of different wheels and trucks the wherls are just like ojays and trucks like indy.there tuning makes cheap trucks indys.the work horse. The wheels and tubing are top botch.i have never been more disappointed then from black river.everone complains about companies using Chinese product.all vlack river ramps are made in china you can buy exa t same ramps half price .the are the company they use look it up.the only company that is all one is give teak a try .they will make you 109$ for the same deck in same mold .good luck and teak is the tops
Highly Recommend very good quality
They fit perfect for my 34mm deck!